Inheritance tax planning

Inheritance tax planning

Specialist IHT advice and services to help maximise the assets, property, and finances passed on to your loved ones.

Expert inheritance tax advice 

As part of your estate planning, inheritance tax planning is a vital component. Combining our specialist legal, tax, and financial planning advisors, we can guide you on the best way to plan your finances so that you pass on wealth to your future generations as tax-efficiently as possible. 

Our inheritance tax solicitors tax the time to understand your personal circumstances and will advise you on your inheritance tax liability, discuss your options, and carefully plan out the financial steps you need to take to reduce or potentially eliminate additional tax on your gifted advice. 

What is inheritance tax? 

Inheritance tax (IHT) is the tax paid to the government by an individual who has been left with money, property, or assets from someone who has died or has been given as a gift in their lifetime. 

What is the inheritance tax threshold?

Currently, on your death, if your estate exceeds £325,000 in value, your estate may pay tax at 40% on the amount over and above this threshold. If the whole or part of your estate passes to UK charities, or to a spouse, or civil partner further exemptions may apply. Reliefs are also available when you hold agricultural or business property. 

How to reduce inheritance tax

There are various ways in which we can help you plan to reduce the amount of inheritance tax that you may be liable to pay on inherited assets, and therefore improve the amount your loved ones can inherit. Our team of legal, tax and financial planning experts can help you plan your affairs in the most tax-efficient manner possible. 

Our approach 

With over twenty years of experience, Websters' team of expert accountants and financial advisors can provide additional specialist assistance when you are dealing with inheritance tax planning if it is required, depending on your circumstances. We work closely together as a team with our clients to give the best financial result. 

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