VAT Returns

Submitting for MTD

MTD requires you to record your transactions for VAT in a Digital format which allows submission online without re-keying any of the numbers. What are your choices?

Our recommended solution for you is record all your accounting transactions in Cloud based software which is fully compliant with MTD. Then you have software which is up-to-date, and your VAT return can be submitted at the click of a button. We developed our own software released 16 years ago and support all the main brands, Xero etc.

If you are not willing to do this, we can maintain your accounting records on your behalf and then submit your VAT return for you. Again, our preference is to keep these records in Cloud software so that over time you could begin to access it yourself. However, if you make it clear that you do not want to use computers for accountancy, we can keep all your records based on manual invoices which you retain.

Whichever way you want to work we have many years of experience of in this way of working. Not quite as "new" as HMRC tends to imagine.