

When you’re not working any more, you’ll have a lower income but more spare time to spend money! So you’ll need a pension that’s sufficient…

Planning for life after work

Your expenses may increase even though your income drops drastically when you retire.

To start with, newly retired people generally like to travel, enjoy their hobbies and perhaps help their children or grandchildren with the cost of education or housing.

In later years, personal expenses tend to drop, but there will always be bills to pay for accomodation, utilities, clothing, gifts and perhaps even long-term care.

When you reach this lifestage, you can't depend on your state pension to cover all your costs.  So you need a pension of your own.

Our specialist retirement advisers help you plan your financial life after work. 

What type of pension do you have?

Pensions are complex, but we have experience of all the usual arrangements including:

  • Self-Invested Pensions
  • Retirement Drawdown
  • Corporate Pensions
  • Personal Pensions
  • Benefit Buy-outs
  • Overseas arrangements
  • Unapproved schemes

Note that, with the new pension freedoms, you may be able to access some of your pension funds even before retirement.