The Zenith Sydney office
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Sydney, Australia

Australian and UK qualified tax specialists helping you with all your Australian, UK and US tax needs. Offices in Sydney and the UK

Sydney, Australia

A small friendly team in Sydney established in 2010 supplemented by UK tax specialists in the UK give you access to expertise you normally only find in the large accounting practices.

We can provide all the services you need from an Australian tax accountant filing with ATO, annual accounts for your business, bookkeeping in Xero - but what makes us different is our integrated team combining UK and US advisers as well our local expertise. Many of our Australian based clients have remained with the firm long after they ceased to require support in the UK.

Whether you are still planning your move to Australia, or need an Australian tax return or a leaving Australia for the UK we can help. Don't get caught out by the tax traps created because of the differences between the tax regimes.

The Zenith Sydney office


Suite 231
Floor 3
Building 1 High Park Tower
813 Pacific Highway
NSW 2067

+61 2 9411 8306

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How we can help

What makes us different from traditional accountancy firms is the range of expertise within a team of 35. UK and US as well as Australian.